Amcor Flexibles Winterbourne

Some employees from Amcor Flexibles, Winterbourne at the presentation. Holding the ‘cheque’ front row: Steve Morton (GM Amcor Winterbourne), Anita Weidekamp (Business Admin Manager, Amcor Winterbourne), Andrew Manning (CEO, Avon Riding Centre), Katie Edmondson (Fund Raiser (?), SW Children’s Hospice) During the presentation Andrew and Katie warmly thanked all Amcor Winterbourne employees for their kind generosity and support.

Some employees from Amcor Flexibles, Winterbourne at the presentation.
Holding the ‘cheque’ front row: Steve Morton (GM Amcor Winterbourne), Anita Weidekamp (Business Admin Manager, Amcor Winterbourne), Andrew Manning (CEO, Avon Riding Centre), Katie Edmondson (Fund Raiser (?), SW Children’s Hospice)
During the presentation Andrew and Katie warmly thanked all Amcor Winterbourne employees for their kind generosity and support.

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